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20-03-02 cs231n 2강 영어 seamless 원활한 it'll be very seamless for you to work on this assignment generously 관대하게 google generously sopported the cloud whatnot 이것저것 when you want to use larger machine or whatnot administrative 행정의 those are administrative issues today grid 격자(바둑판 같은거) what computer see is gigantic gird of number semantic 의미론적인 there's huge gap between the semantic of a cat and these pixel valuse that the ..
필기 단축키 & 단축키 더 gerneral 한 개념 : 빨 : 숲 > 파 : 나무 > 검 : 나뭇잎 ctrl b : 진하게 JUPYTER NOTEBOOK L : line number dnn deep nn cv cross validation aux auxiliary aka as known as cat categorical svc soft vector classifier cat concatenate nan not a number df dataframe corr corelation kde kernel density estimation mse mean square error regr regression clf classifier rng random number generator soln solution mtrx matrix coeff..
20-03-01 cs231n 1강 보호되어 있는 글입니다.
20-03-01 cs231n 1강 영어 constellation : 별자리 - stella의 con(모음) as sort of constellation fields around computer vision, ~ strive to : 노력하다 side of thing : ~~ 쪽 neural science side of thing encompass : 포함하다 it focus more encompassing conputer vision (많은 걸 포함하는) agenda : 주제 let's start with today's agenda chill : 추운 lifes are very chill (주변이 춥다?) onset : 시작 onset of vision go after: 먹다 some predators went after prey arms r..
순공시간을 늘리려면 산책하고 노래듣고 와서 공부한적이 거의 없는거 같아 산책은 공부가 전부 끝나면 하자 노래는 중간에 한곡 앉아서 듣자 웹서핑은.... 어쩌지ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 다신안한다고 다시 다짐해도 할게 뻔한데ㅜㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ